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Ridin’ the curve to fundraising success!

There’s a minor controversy regarding an April Washington Post article that states FaceBook was “ineffective for fundraising.” From the article: The Facebook application Causes, hugely popular among nonprofit organizations seeking to raise money online, has been largely ineffective in its first two years, trailing direct mail, fundraising events and other more traditional methods of soliciting contributions. Comments on the article included proponents of Causes, claiming that exposure on FaceBook more than made up for the lack of donation results. Others argued the opposite.

Why, after two years and hundreds of millions of FaceBook and Twitter views, aren’t nonprofits getting better results using social networks? My theory: Although such sites are spectacular successes as social network sites, they are not social network fundraising sites. Like – you guessed it – DonorPages!

Initially launched around the beginning of 2008, DonorPages has seen explosive growth to date. See for yourself in the chart, which shows a powerful upwards growth rate in actual donations. It’s easy to see the spikes when our clients run seasonal events. But the real story is the red line – the Regression Curve. This shows how donations via DonorPages are expected to grow, based on the growth rate of the past year. And that past year – August 2008 through July 2009 – was smack in the middle of a severe economic downturn. Imagine the possibilities as the economy continues improving!

Plus, DonorPages, as a true Web 2.0 online application, allows for integration with DonorPerfect fundraising software, adding the benefit of saving time. There’s certainly nothing wrong with increasing exposure, but there’s everything right about seeing a direct ROI on your efforts.

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