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5 Social Media Best Practices for Nonprofits

5 Social Media Best Practices for Nonprofits

It seems like there are a hundred new blogs released every day listing social media tips. This leaves one to wonder where social media best practices for nonprofits fall in the mix. The truth is that business and nonprofit social presences differ, and excelling in the nonprofit world requires a different set of rules.

1) Pictures are Everything

Eye-catching and emotion-evoking images are important on fundraising pages and emails. In the social media world, however, they’re crucial. People love seeing and sharing photos that make them feel good.

With that in mind, make a point of taking pictures at every event. Whether it’s a charity auction or dropping off a check, always create a digital memory. It only takes one great social media image to spread your message to all-new audiences.

2) Collect Donors’ Social Media Info

Having a donor’s social media information can open new worlds for nonprofits. It not only allows you to personalize your messages, but you can also use the information for improved targeting and finding social influencers.Along with great images, this is another social media best practice for nonprofits that cannot be overlooked.

3) Remain Consistent with Posts

This is perhaps one of the easiest best practices to explain and implement. Always stay consistent with social media posts. A meager two or three posts daily will keep followers engaged and ensure you’re always in their minds.

4) Engagement isn’t a One-Way Street

It’s great when donors and followers comment and share your posts. Keep in mind, though, that this relationship shouldn’t be one-way. When someone comments or posts to your wall, make a point of responding. Did someone send a photo? Share it across your accounts!

5) Share Stories

It may be tempting to only post requests for donations on social media, but this will quickly turn off your followers. Use this platform to share success stories along with images. Donors want to see that what they’re doing means something.

Nonprofit and Social Media Success

Regardless of what some naysayers claim, nonprofits and social media are a match made in heaven. Of course, a failing strategy is a failing strategy regardless of the platform. If you stick strictly to social media best practices for nonprofits with proven results, though, you’ll ensure that your organization is never short on donor engagement.

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