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Home » Your Nonprofit’s Essential Year-End Help Guide

Your Nonprofit’s Essential Year-End Help Guide

DonorPerfect wants to ensure you’re set for the busiest time of year, so here’s a roundup of our most helpful content.

For a complete overview, checklist, and step-by-step procedures around all things year-end, visit the Year-End Library in the Knowledgebase.

Subscribe to our new real time Status Updates and stay in-the-know when it comes to DonorPerfect system alerts and updates.

While this time of year calls for asking once, asking twice, and asking again, it’s important to make sure the way you’re getting in touch doesn’t come off as too much.

Writing fundraising copy that resonates really comes down to these 3 simple tips.

End-of-year acknowledgments can be a piece of cake! Let this easy breezy guide help you sail through them this busy season.

Make sure your donation form’s looking its holiday best! Check out these quick and easy tutorials on how to give your donation form a fresh look that can’t be missed.

Your year-end fundraiser is sure to be a hit with this essential and FREE mobile app.

Do you know which of your donors dropped off the map this year? Find out and reach out with these gift-generating reports.

Don’t let mismatched numbers muddling your board presentation. Reconcile your Fundraising and Accounting Systems in 3 simple steps.

Compiling your Annual Report? Find out what to feature and what to leave out.

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