Acquiring new donors is hard work. It doesn’t matter what type of nonprofit you are or what your cause is, getting people to make contributions is expensive and requires a lot of effort. When somebody gives to your...
What do you know about your lapsed members? They may be gone, but they shouldn’t be forgotten. Some associations are taking time to analyze and develop strategies to bring members they’ve lost back into the fold. Last...
In 2015, Americans donated more money to charities, $373 billion to be exact, than ever before in history. More and more, people are realizing that traditional programs aren’t enough to solve all societal ills. Of...
DonorPerfect fundraising growth platform empowers you to achieve the goals that are meaningful to your organization. Growing with DonorPerfect is easy. Your growth hub is packed with all the features you need to get...
Statistically, it’s likely that 6 out of every 10 donors who give to your nonprofit this year won’t give again next year. With all of the social media buzz around new causes every day, it’s easy for your one-time donors...
The Association of Fundraising Professionals and the Urban Institute have partnered with leading donor management systems (DonorPerfect was a founding member), to help provide data on a major problem facing nonprofits:...
When looking for new donors and viewing current donors, nonprofits many times use a microscope whereby they seek to identify two critical elements. First, what is the likelihood or propensity for that person to give...