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5 Tips to Host a Successful Fundraising Event

This post was originally published here (The TechSoup Blog)

Are you trying to raise funds for a worthy cause? Maybe you’re a teacher, and you want to help your class go on a big trip. Maybe you’re trying to raise money for a charity or event that is important to you. Whatever the case may be, the best way to raise a lot of money quickly is to have a fundraising event.

There are all kinds of events that you can have, from parties to dinners and beyond. You can find lots of great fundraising ideas on the Fundraiser Insight site. The key is just to find something that you can pull off, something that people will enjoy and show interest in, and, of course, something that brings in money.

No matter what your fundraiser ultimately looks like, there are some tips that, if followed, can help to ensure that your event is a big success!

Tip #1: Set a Goal

First things first: you will want to set a fundraising goal when you’re planning the event. Having a goal helps to give everyone a specific number to work toward. Don’t be afraid to go large with this number.

There’s no shame in not reaching a goal, especially if you get close. Plus, not reaching it can sometimes encourage people to give even more at the actual event in an effort to help you get there!

Another great thing about setting a goal is that you can use it to bring excitement to your fundraising event. Publicize your goal and any progress you make toward it. People love a challenge, and working with you to try and reach a specific amount will help everyone to feel more enthusiastic, involved, and willing to give.

Tip #2: Go Cheap with Your Venue

For many events, renting the venue is the most expensive part. And, when you’re trying to raise money, the last thing that you want is to put a huge chunk of what you’ve earned toward paying for the venue.

A country cafe under flowering magnolia tree by Moskwa

As such, don’t be afraid to go cheap or even free with your venue. Ask places you have a connection to, like your church or workplace, if you can use the space for free for a good cause. Or, depending on the size of your event, consider holding it at your or a friend’s home. As long as the event itself is nice, the venue doesn’t have to be super expensive.

For more tips on finding a cheaper venue, check out this article.

Tip #3: Invite Some “High Profile” People

When you host a fundraising event, you want people to be talking about it long before it even takes place. One way to generate some excitement is to invite high-powered people to your event.
Do you have a connection to any celebrities or local celebrities, like the local news anchor or the richest person in town? Now is the time to pull some strings and try and get them to come.

The more “high profile” people who are coming to your event, the more likely it is that people will be talking about this event. And the more likely it is that the press will be there, and that it will ultimately be a high-class event that raises a lot of money for your cause.

Tip #4: Have a Budget

Another thing that can help you to have a successful event is to make sure you have a budget and stick to it. It might not be fun, but it can keep you from spending too much on the event itself.

Budgeting is really just a matter of looking at how much you can afford to spend with your fundraising goals in mind. For more information on budgeting, check out this helpful information.

FREE E-Book: How to Plan a Nonprofit Fundraising Event on a Budget

This comprehensive guide from DonorPerfect shares tips and best practices from executive directors, event planners, and fundraising experts that can help you succeed in raising more money at your event while spending less in the process.

Tip #5: Invite More People Than You Think You Should

Invite more people than you think you can accommodate. More often than not, a large number of the people you invite are not going to show up. To make up for those people, you can and should invite more people than you think you can accommodate.

This is risky in some ways because more people than expected might show up. That may mean turning people away, at least temporarily or until other people leave. However, this kind of thing is only going to make your event more popular and talked about and thus help it to bring in more money for your cause!

As you can see, there are many things that you can do to ensure your fundraising event is a smashing success. Follow these tips and do some careful planning, and there’s no reason your event can’t be great.

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About the Author

Helen Cartwright
Helen Cartwright is a passionate blogger who excels in the digital marketing, fundraising, and finance niche. When not wired in marketing strategies, she ghost-writes for a variety of authors who have their work published on leading online media channels such as The Huffington Post and

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Image 2: Moskwa / Shutterstock

Image 3: Helen Cartwright