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Something funny about RFP’s…

Though I mentioned our philosophy about Request for Proposals (RFP’s) in an earlier blog, I came across this gem predicting the year 2008 that was written by Jeff Brooks in Fundraising Success Magazine:

“Your organization will decide to issue an RFP for your general marketing needs. Unfortunately, so many people will be involved it will end up an impenetrable maze of vague philosophical rambling, wishful thinking, and outright lies. The only vendor that will respond will be an ice-cream manufacturer. To save face, you will retain the ice-cream company as your marketing agency.”

Again, please think carefully before automatically issuing an RFP- it needs to be relevant, clear, and precise. “Must-Have’s” should be clearly MUST HAVE’s, and wish lists should be marked appropriately.

Also, please understand if any vendor asks to conduct an online demonstration first- this way, both parties can see if it makes sense to take the next step together before either one commits and wastes their mutually valuable time.

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